GEA in European projects
The Institute for Psychosocial Counselling and Social Innovation (GEA) is active in European educational projects, working dedicatedly – mainly on social topics. Most of these projects are realized under the Erasmus Programme of the European Union.
Project categories:

Supporting Natural Disaster Victims: Mental Health Awareness Training for Helpers (2024 – 2025)
Project objectives are equipping citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective support to disaster survivors while promoting empathy, self-care, and community resilience and raising awareness about the possible traumatization of natural disaster victims.

Climate Change – What can I do? (2022 – 2024)
Global temperatures are rising sharply as a result of human activity. People around the world are already feeling the consequences, from more intense heat waves to rising sea levels. The situation is likely to get worse in the coming decades.

Comparing Resources for Subjects in Severe Situations (2020 – 2023)
The CRxSiSS project aims to respond to one of the fundamental needs of today’s society, lifelong learning for adults and the elderly, by promoting, through the mobility of teachers and students, the exchange of knowledge and experiences at a transnational level.

Recognition of Competences Acquired By volunteers (2020 – 2022)
Recognition and validation of competences from informal or non-formal settings is commonly understood as one of the most important challenges for educational and training sector nowadays.

Healthy Future 4U + the Planet (2019 – 2021)
HEALTHY FUTURE 4U + the Planet gives access to successful approaches that train children and adolescents as well as youth educators across Europe to make responsible decisions with regard to actions that affect the climate.

Senior Social Entrepreneurship (2019 – 2021)
The general objective of Senior Social Entrepreneurship (SSE) is to raise awareness of the benefits of social entrepreneurship for older people.